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Saturday 9 May 2015

Example Of Difference Between @Before/@After VS @BeforeClass/@AfterClass In JUnit With WebDriver

Difference between @Before and @BeforeClass annotations

  • Test method marked with @Before annotation will be executed before the each @Test method. Means if there are 5 @Test methods in your class then @Before test method will be executed 5 times.
  • Test method marked with @BeforeClass annotation will be executed just before the class. Means @BeforeClass method will be executed only once before the class even if there are 5 @Test methods in your class.

Difference between @After and @AfterClass annotations

  • Same as @Before annotation, Test method marked with @After annotation will be executed after the each @Test method.
  • @AfterClass annotation will be executed only once after last @Test method executed.
Execute bellow given @Before and @After annotations example in your eclipse and observe result in console.
package junitpack;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class junittest2 {
 private static WebDriver driver;
public void openbrowser() {
 System.out.print("\nBrowser open");
 driver = new FirefoxDriver(); 

public void closebrowser() {
 System.out.print("\nBrowser close");
 public void test1() throws InterruptedException{  
 driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).sendKeys("junittest2 class-test1");
 System.out.print("\njunittest2 class-test1 method is executed");

 public void test2() throws InterruptedException {
 driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).sendKeys("junittest2 class-test2");
 System.out.print("\njunittest2 class-test2 method is executed");
When execute above example in eclipse, Bellow given result will be displayed in console.
 Output :
Browser open
junittest2 class-test1 method is executed
Browser close
Browser open
junittest2 class-test2 method is executed
Browser close

Based on above given console output, we can say each @Before method is executed before each @Test method and each @After method is executed after each @Test method. Now let we replace @Before annotation with @BeforeClass and @After annotation with @AfterClass in same example and then observe result. Replace bellow given @BeforeClass and @AfterClass part with @Before and @After part in above example as bellow.

public static void openbrowser() {
 System.out.print("\nBrowser open");
 driver = new FirefoxDriver(); 

public static void closebrowser() {
 System.out.print("\nBrowser close");

Now run above example and look at console result. Console result will be as bellow.
Output :
Browser open
junittest2 class-test1 method is executed
junittest2 class-test2 method is executed
Browser close

As per console result, we can say @BeforeClass method is executed once only. Same way @AfterClass annotation marked method is also executed once only.


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